Some young fellows wandered into the studio and informed me that these were some "really bumpin pots". Now everything this week is bumpin. Not sure what it means... I think it's relatively a good thing.
赤絵細描九谷焼 平盃
6 hours ago
A pottery blog of the Anagama in New London Minnesota, and other thoughts of Craig Edwards on wood fired pottery
Hi Craig! Thanks for adding Clay Mouse Studio to your blog roll. That's bumpin'!... as are your pots and your blog!
So I guess 'phat' is out of style.
"Those are some phat pots...Word!"
Hey Patricia... how else can I keep up with the bumpin left coast!!
Ron... now everything is gonna be phat... maybe bumpin phat at times. Word! Haha
they look bumpin' to me....
Thanks Judi!! I checked out your blog.. nice. I think I'll put it on my reader.
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